Theological Commission Publications
Our publications are a major channel of communication and forum to reflect global evangelical theology.
We have regular periodical publications in the form of a journal (Evangelical Review of Theology, first published 1977) and a newsletter (Theological News, first published 1969). Each one has a corresponding CD-ROM version.
Contributions of articles, book reviews, books for review and news items (with images) are invited for our quarterly publications, Evangelical Review of Theology and Theological News. Examples of the type of contributions which we require may be found by perusing recent copies of the publications.. Contributions need to conform to our house style. Click here to download our Style Guide. Expressions of interest are invited – please contact the Theological Commission with your ideas and to submit contributions – email here.
Electronic Versions
Theological Resource Library – Evangelical Review of Theology (+ many other resources)
All issues of ERT since its inception in 1977 to 2005 in fully searchable form plus – all other WEA Theological Commission publications, many World Evangelical Alliance publications and many Bibles and other resources (22 titles), by Logos Bible Software using the Libronix system. (Note: this is the 2006 version of the product) Originally produced as a physical CD and now available as a download from Logos Bible Software.
Visit this website for full details of content and orders.
(Note: users in Europe, check with Logos Bible Software about compatibility
Theological News – 1969-2004
All issues from its initial publication in 1969 to the end of 2004 on a fully searchable CD and each page reproduced on-screen in the original format (Note: some later issues are available for download from this website).
During the 35 year period included on this CD, a wide range of news of evangelical theology and theological education has been covered, as well as information about the work of the TC itself. It therefore provides an invaluable easily accessible record of global activity.
Visit this website for full details of content and orders.

Statement and Papers from Consultation on Jewish Evangelism
ISBN 978-1-84227-669-3
Editor: David Parker
Published by Paternoster
Papers and the statement from the consultation on Jewish evangelism sponsored by the WEA Theological Commission on August 2008 have been published by Paternoster. The 312 page book, Jesus, Salvation and the Jewish People (ISBN 978-1-84227-669-3 ) is edited by Rev Dr David Parker and contains the ‘Berlin Declaration‘ issued by the conference, an preface and introductory chapter by the editor and thirteen papers delivered at or prepared for the conference. (Authentic Promo)
The Berlin Declaration followed in the wake of earlier documents produced by the WEA on Jewish evangelism – the Willowbank Declaration of 1989 brief statement published and endorsed by the WEA reinforcing the validity and importance of Jewish evangelism which appeared in the New York Times in 2008, with 54 signatures (and more added later).

Principles for an Evangelical Approach to Contextualization
Editors: Matthew Cook, Rob Haskell, Ruth Julian, and Natee Tanchanpongs
Published by William Carey Library
ISBN 9780878081110
As the church in the global south continues to grow at a rapid pace, the question of how to develop local theologies becomes more and more urgent. This book charts a path forward through exegetical, theological and cultural analysis by scholars who are wrestling with the issues in their own situations around the globe. The contents were developed under the auspices of the World Evangelical Alliance Theological Commission at workshop held in Oxford in August 2008.

by David Parker
Covers the story of the establishment of the Theological Commission in 1968 as ‘Theological Assistance Program’ (TAP) under the leadership of Dr Bruce J Nicholls, and its evolution into the ‘Theological Commission’ in 1974. The achievements of the TC in the thirty year period since then are then detailed with information about key figures.
Enlarged 2nd edition, 2014, of 155 pages, illustrated with 12 pages of photos (inc. colour) of significant leaders and events, indexed and with a Fact Sheet of TC personnel, activities and publications.
US $10.00 (including airmail post)

by Ken Gnanakan
Written by a leading Indian evangelical theologian recognized for his writing, lecturing and practical leadership in this important field, Responsible Stewardship (revised version, 2014) covers biblical, historical and administrative and sociological aspects of the topic. Each eight chapters is written is easy-to-understand language and is supplemented by stories, discussion questions and ideas for ‘Plan and Act’ and inspirational and devotional material. There are three appendices and a bibliography. Suitable for church study groups, youth fellowships, seminaries and Bible colleges and schools.
US $10.00 (including airmail post)

Essays from Different Contexts
Edited by Jochen Eber
$8.00 + postage
Order direct from:
TBT, 54 KHB Colony, 5th Block, 2nd Cross, Koramangala,
Bangalore 560095 Karnataka, South India.
a series of small books on a variety of topical subjects.
For more information, contact WEA TC Publications.