
Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher
Theological Commission
Executive Chair

Dr. Rosalee Velosso Ewell
Theological Commission
Executive Director
Vision Statement
(Adopted Vancouver, 2000)
Providing theological reflection from a global perspective
The Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance exists to promote biblical truth by networking theologians to serve the Church in obedience to Christ.
- By internationalizing theological frameworks.
- By encouraging original theological reflection and research.
- By defending and confirming the gospel.
- By focusing discussion on practical and relevant themes in varied contexts.
- By articulating biblical truth in forms accessible to all Christians.
- Networking evangelical theological organizations and theologians worldwide.
- Organizing theological reflection teams, task forces, study groups, dialogue groups and other international gatherings.
- Disseminating theological reflection about biblical truth in clear and concise formats for use by the Church at all levels.
- Establish effective communicative networks of theologians, educators and church leaders.
- Partner with Theologians of regional and national Evangelical Alliances to sponsor joint conferences, plan joint publications and foster exchange of theological educators.
- Partner with other organizations that are involved in theological education, dissemination of literature and student scholarship programs.
- Form strategic alliances with organizations that share our goals and objectives.
- Mobilize volunteers, part-time staff and recruit other full-time staff to work toward agreed goals.
- Engage in a vigorous program of research and publications of topics that apply biblical understanding to relevant problems facing the churches in their ministry.
The TC consists of an international group of theologians spread regionally and denominationally.
Currently the leadership personnel are Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher, Executive Chair; Dr James Nkansah (Africa), Vice-chair; Dr Rosalee Velosso Ewell, Executive Director.
The TC consists of three bodies:
- The Working Group: The leadership plus an active group from all continents that works on statements for the WEA, the journal ERT, Theological News, two book series, etc. Theologians interested and able to invest time and energy in a lot of background work can write to the Chair of TC.
- The Council: Regional representatives (mostly chairs or directors) from regional and sometimes national theological commissions of regional and national Alliances or regional networks of evangelical theologians.
- The Board of Senior Advisors: These are experts that have been working with TC or similar institutions for a long period and advise the TC (and thus WEA) on a given area of expertise. These include for example Dr Chris Wright, Dr Ken Gnanakan, Dr Bruce J. Nichols, Prof Dr Thomas K. Johnson.
In addition Task Forces, Study Groups and other forms of activity are set up as required to work on specific long term or ad hoc projects.
For more information, contact the Chairman, Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher at [email protected].