The World Evangelical Alliance’s Evangelical Review of Theology is a free, open-access journal in which WEA leaders and other prominent Christians address issues of contemporary concern to the global body of Christ. We aim to present well-researched information and perspectives in a style suitable for general readers.

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Print copies of ERT are available at a modest subscription rate. To inquire about a print subscription, contact our publisher Wipf and Stock at

To propose an article, contact editor Jerry Hwang at ERT covers a broad range of topics, including church history, mission, theological education, politics, sustainability, and more. Any ideas are welcome. The suggested article length is 2,000 to 6,000 words including notes. Submissions are reviewed by a team of four members of the WEA Theological Commission. For the ERT style guide, click here.

To propose a book review, review the style guide and contact Francis Samdao at

ERT Spanish Edition debuts (2022~)

After 45 years as an English-language publication, the World Evangelical Alliance’s theological journal, the Evangelical Review of Theology (ERT), is now available in Spanish for the first time.

The new Revista Evangélica de Teología is edited by Dr. Andrew Messmer, who is the academic dean of Seville Theological Seminary (Spain) and affiliated researcher at Evangelische Theologische Faculteit (Belgium).

Download all the ERT issues (1977–2020)